Monday, January 2, 2017

2016 A Year to Remember!!!

It has been a long tine since I have posted and to tell you the truth I have felt that this was the right time to post.  2016 was a year that God provided beyond belief.  My two youngest daughters...Morgan and Savannah went on their first Airplane ride and boy it was an adventure! The girls worked hard for a year and a half to raise the money to go to Israel with our church.  God provided many job opportunities for them to raise the money to go.  The girls babysat, dog sat, cleaned houses, worked at church, was a hostess at several home events for members of our church. They had to raise $5,000 plus money for food and expenses while they were gone.  God really provided and it was unbelievable the experiences they had.
When people ask if I know God supplies my needs I tell them I know He does?  I watched as the girls worked hard to raise the money along with the way God provided through many friends money each and every month.  They saved their birthday money, Christmas money and every chance they had were rolling their coins to add to their savings.  God provided when I did not know how that would happen.

This year my oldest daughter, Erin and her husband had a baby boy born in September.  Erin's oldest son Luke is 8 and Ethan is almost 4 months.  Our family is growing.  Erin and Bruce have 4 wonderful children, 3 boys and 1 girl.  Heather, my 2nd oldest and her husband Eric have two great children also.  We have 6 grandchildren and we are a very blessed family.

Morgan has been working at a local restaurant, "Peter D's" since August and she really enjoys working there. She also plays keyboard for the College Praise and Worship band and has had opportunities to travel with the band and they are in the process of record their first CD.  Savannah has been working as a nanny and has started volunteering at church with the JV Infinity Worship Leader and she really enjoys doing that.

I will end this here and pick up later this week with what is happening now in our family!

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