Sunday, August 3, 2014

I'm in a Relationship!

Don't you just love reading everyone's post on Social Media? I especially like reading about the places my friends have been, their pictures of their family and even events that will be taking place in their lives.  Social Media is a great way to keep in contact with your family and friends. Those pictures of your childhood friend and now their children, where people are working and who is getting married or having a baby. I can remember a time where you would find out about family and friends through a letter. Yes, A Letter! No I am not that old but 35+ years ago I was still writing letters and waiting for that letter to arrive from my friends and family. Be honest, you still do like getting some good news in the mail rather than bills all the time.

Well, I guess you are wondering where the title of his blog post is coming from? I will tell you, as much as I love catching up with family and friends on Social Media, I have to say that when it pops up, "So and So has changed their relationship status", I just sit and shake my head. I must be getting old, you were either single, married, divorced, widow or widower, Not In a Relationship! What are you saying, really saying? Do you feel you can not be a complete person unless you are In A Relationship? A true relationship begins when you become a Christian. When you use that word relationship your are saying this person knows all about me. My ups, downs, failures, disappointments and even hidden secrets. The one person who knows all about you from the time you were formed in your mother's womb, is God our father. Psalm 139:13-14 take a minute and examine your life and see who you are really in a relationship with, God or man. I would rather say that my relationship status is built on The Lord Jesus Christ who gave his life for me so that I could have eternal life. So next time some one ask what is your relationship status answer boldly, I am dedicated to The Lord Jesus Christ, he hung on the cross for me and gave his life for me. So as for me, I am married to a wonderful man who pits his trust in The Lord and leads our family into a relationship with Christ our Savior.

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