2017 a Year of Learning.
Good afternoon everyone,
At the end of 2016 I made a commitment to attend all the monthly events held by our friend Don Day,
www.dondaySpeaks.com . It has been a year of learning. I have taken the time to read over my notes and I thought it was time to post what I felt I have learned each month. I have to be honest and say I spent some time posting about this earlier today to try to publish it and have it disappear. So this is my 2nd take and I pray that the 2nd time through is what God wants me to say. I encourage you all to take the time to check out his web site along with his FB page, Dondayspeaks, you will be able to keep up when all his speaking events will be and hope to see you at one of them this coming year.
I thought it would be nice to post all the topics that were discussed at his Super Tuesday/(now) Super Friday events. I will give you the title of each topic and my take away on each of them. Remember that we can all hear the same message and take away a different perspective of what was said. 2017 ended with a topic on No Excuses so I have taken that subject to heart. There is no real good excuse...I will attempt to start out 2018 with no excuses.
Here are a few topics and my take away on each topic:
Life's Lessons! Never Give up!
What does your dream life look like? Who are you? What do you really want? Develop habits of success.
U-N-S-H-A-K-E-A-B-L-E Living Certain in an Uncertain World!
Prioritize Our Lives...there are only 1 or 2 Priorities in each area of your life. What are your priorities in life?
NASP Personal Growth Gone Right!
Trying to get through the day and not getting something out of the day. Are you just going through the motions or are you truly trying to get something out of what you are doing today?
A Year from now we'll see who was the real hustler! The Bridge between Potential and Success.
I can say I know what it means to hustle, get the job done, no matter how you are physically feeling just do the work and do it to the best of your ability. "Hustle is about small everyday wins not overnight Uber success."
Timeless Lessons To Maximize Your Life! The 3 - legged Dog!
What you think about you bring about. 3 Words that will change your life...Get Over It!
The Rip Tide
Have you ever stood on the beach and the tide rolls in and where you are standing your feet begin to sink in the sand and you feel like your are going to loose your footage? Well, I have had life events that has left me feeling like I have lost my footage, unsure of your foundation, then I feel the inner strength of the Holy Spirit assuring me that I am standing on the firm foundation, Jesus Christ is the anchor of my Soul! Hebrews 6:19
No Complaining Rule! Complainers typically blame everyone else for all their problems.
Ephesians 4:29 Too many negative interactions compared to positive interactions at work can decrease the productivity of any team.
Living a Fulfilled Life! Mission Possible! Jeremiah 29:11
To truly live a Life of Fulfillment you must understand one word: Certainty! The seeds you plant you will harvest. What seeds are you planting?
What are you waiting for? What's Easy to Do is also Easy not to do!
Something you know you should do but you have not done it! Learn to Pray by praying! Stop wanting and start doing!
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson www.slightedge.org
Successful people do what the unsuccessful people aren't willing to do.
The Surge Effect - Warrior Cry - Massive action on a focused target!
Isaiah 51:15 Lose focus and you lose sight of your target. Your committed to this but you worry about that!
TGISF! (Thank Goodness it's Super Friday!) Momentum!
If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you. Proverbs 4:23
"Most people wait until the perfect time; when the kids are older, when I have more money, or when I get the right equipment. Most people fail to achieve their goals because they never take the first step. Momentum is just getting the ball rolling. Momentum is NOW!"
Living a Life of No Excuses! NO More EXCUSES!
WOW! Have you ever used an excuse? I know I have. This is the last topic that Don had in December and man this topic has hit me hard. When I can't think of why I did not get something done I have an excuse. Well, I am striving not to have anymore excuses. "I will not take and I will not make any excuses..."
In 2018 take Full Responsibility for your life because it's your fault!
Take Responsibility for:
Your Business Life
Your Personal Life
Your Physical Life
Your Financial Life
Your Relationships
You Can Only Control YOU!
Take control of your life, trust God to give you a clear focus in 2018, as you put God first everything else will fall into place. You must give God control in order for you to receive His blessings in 2018.
What are you going to do and what are you not going to do? Those two questions require a lot of thought. Make 2018 count for good choices with no excuses.
Hope to see you on January 5, 2018 @9:45-11:00 am www.EmbassySuitesbyHiltonNashvilleSE
You can also visit his FB page Dondayspeaks to follow along and receive notifications of up coming events. In January his topic will be "Fill Our Tank" and the question he will be asking is "What fills our tank and more importantly what drains it! Hope to see you there so we can learn and grow together.
Happy New Year!
2018 a Year of Change!
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