I can not believe it is 2012, where has the year gone. I look back and I see where God's hand was in the whole year and I am anticipating to see where His hand will lead us this year. I was praying the other week, (in 2011) and I started to look back at the year and God gave me the word
"VICTORIES"! I pray that this year will be the year of Victories not only in my life but in the lives of my loved ones. I know that God has a plan for this year and I want to walk in His plan and see His Victories for the year.
We are only 2 days into the new year and I can already see where God is moving within our family. The week before Christmas my 2nd oldest experienced her first surgery, minor but serious. She had to have her appendix out. As minor as it is they had to cut her open which will require a longer healing period and she does not like to rest or stay home so this is very trying for her. Two days after her surgery her husband had to have a re-occurring surgery done so for Christmas they both were laid up. I told her God was trying to say something to them and that she needed to read and ask God what he was saying. I know that God will show her if she will just take the time to sit and hear His voice.
My oldest has been such a great example of how God moves. She has been separated for 1 year and her and her son are truly blessed by God. She often calls to share how God has provided for her and her son. I thank God that she knows where her provisions come from, these are not just by accident. I know that because she has learned to trust God this year for a lot of her provisions that He will see her through to the end. Not too sure where 2012 will lead her but I know that she is in God's Hands and He will see her through.
I was sitting taking a break today and was watching one of favorite sports movie, (and believe me I am not a sports fan by any means) "Replacements". I love the fact that they took a bunch of has been sports guys and made football players out of them. I think it is because they are the under-dog that I like that movie so much. When they start to play they give a little background of some of the players and they label them as un-educated, losers, a bunch of misfits. Well I was watching this movie I started to think how God picks people who come from unique backgrounds and uses them for his kingdom.
In the Bible He had a real sense of humor, He choose individuals that were out of the ordinary to
share the Good News of the Gospel.
A harlot, a tax collector, fisherman, a shepherd boy, and many more. Think about where you were and where God has brought you from. What your background was and how God has brought you into his wonderful family to feast on the Good Things of the Lord.
Let us not dwell on things of the past, (last year) but let us dwell on the goodness of the Lord.
Look for your Victories in 2012 and see what the Lord can do for you!
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